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Koble is a project for creating virtual network devices (routers, switches, servers etc) which can be connected to form a full network on a single host machine. This can be useful for running network related experiments or for education. Koble machines can be User-mode Linux instances or rootless Podman containers which are lightweight and do not require root privileges to run.

Quick Start

The install script for Ubuntu 20.04 can be found here.

This will install Koble and the dependencies for both the Podman and UML driver.

For distros other than Ubuntu 20.04, see the instructions in the installation guide.


Koble is a network emulation tool

  koble [command]

Available Commands:
  add         add a new machine to a lab
  attach      attach to the main tty of a machine
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  destroy     force stop and remove a machine
  exec        run a command on a machine
  help        Help about any command
  info        get info about a machine
  lab         manage labs
  list        list machines
  logs        get logs from a machine
  machine     manage machines
  net         manage networks
  remove      remove a machine
  shell       get a shell on a machine
  start       start a machine
  stop        stop a machine

      --driver string      name of driver to use
  -h, --help               help for koble
      --namespace string   namespace to use
      --no-color           disable coloured output
      --plain              disable interactive and coloured output
      --quiet              only show errors in log errors
  -v, --verbose count      verbose output
      --version            version for koble

Additional help topics:
  koble driver     manage a koble driver

Use "koble [command] --help" for more information about a command.