

namespace: "GLOBAL"

This is the default namespace to use when not overridden by either:

  • --namespace command line flag

  • Being in a lab directory

    • namespace is set to the namespace: value in lab.yml if set

    • if not set, namespace is set to the md5 hash of the lab directory path.


  # driver to use
  name: podman
  # override default podman driver config
    uri: "unix://run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock"

  # override default uml driver config
    fs: koble-fs

The name value in the driver section specifies which Koble driver to use to create virtual machines and networks. The default is podman, which can be changed to uml to use User Mode Linux instances instead of Podman rootless containers. The driver can be overridden using the --driver flag from the command line, for example:

List running machines with the UML driver
koble --driver uml ls

All keys other than name will be used as driver config for the driver with the same name as the key. For driver configuration options see drivers(TODO)


  default: "gnome"
  attach: "gnome" # uses default if no option set
  shell: "gnome" # uses default if no option set
  exec: "this" # defaults to 'this' (launch in current tty)
  lab_start: "gnome" # uses default if no option set
  machine_start: "gnome" # uses default if no option set

The terminal section allows you to specify which terminal should be opened, and add extra terminals, or override existing terminals.

The default option specifies which terminal should be used if there are no overrides for the command. This is the option most users will want to change. By default, this is set to use gnome terminal. The available terminals include:

  • alacritty

  • tmux

  • konsole

  • gnome

  • kitty

  • xterm

  • this

The terminal this can be used to use the current shell for the command instead of opening a new terminal.

Terminal choices can be set to vary by command. For example, you might want to use xterm for starting a single machine, but gnome for starting a lab machine.

The options attach, shell, exec, lab_start and machine_start can be set to the name of the terminal to use for the command. By default, exec is set to this, meaning no terminal is opened, and the exec command is run in the shell where koble was run.

Additionally, you can override the terminal by passing --terminal NAME as a command line option.

Custom Terminals / Terminal Overrides

If you wish to use a terminal which is not provided as a default option you can define it in your config. Additionally, you can override sections of already defined terminals to add functionality.

All keys under terminal in the config that do not match default, attach, shell, exec, machine_start or lab_start will be considered as new terminals or terminal overrides.

The structure used to define a terminal is:

  command: ["command", "to", "run", "term"]
    option_name: value

For example, to override the default alacritty terminal, to add a custom class to the window, we can add

      - "alacritty"
      - "--class"
      - "koble"
      - "-e"
      - "{{ .Command }}"

The command can include golang templating (and should at least contain {{ .Command }} as this is the command to execute in the terminal). This templating gives access to the variables:

  • Command - the command to be executed

  • Machine - the machine being attached to

  • Lab - the current lab (if in one)

  • Namespace - the current namespace

  • Options - a string to string map of options

Options allow variables to be set as default for a terminal, with the ability to override them with command line options. For example, the command for tmux uses an option called session, which defines the name of the tmux session to use. By default this is set to koble but can be overriden either with the config

       session: "koble-custom"

Or by passing --term-opt session=koble-custom as a command line option.


  machine_start: true
  lab_start: true

The launch options define whether or not to launch a terminal for the machine(s) being started. machine_start is whether to launch for a machine started with koble machine start. lab_start is whether to launch for machines started with koble lab start.

when using launch is enabled for lab start, the terminal cannot be set to this.

This can be overriden by using --launch=true or --launch=false as a command line option.

Logging / Output

verbose: 0
quiet: false
noninteractive: false
nocolor: false

By default logging is only set to show warnings. To disable warnings and only show errors, quiet can be set to true (or --quiet can be passed to the command line).

To increase the log level, verbose can be set to

  • 1 for info logging

  • 2 for debug logging

  • 3 for trace logging

this cannot be used in combination with quiet

To set the log level from the command line, you can use --verbose=N or -v / -vv / -vvv.

To disable interactive output (such as animated spinners) you can set noninteractive to true or pass --plain.

To disable coloured output you can set nocolor or pass --no-color.


wait: 300

Wait specifies a timeout (in seconds) to wait for an action to complete. For example for koble machine start m1, a timeout of 300 will mean the command will block for up to 5 minutes to wait for the machine to reach a booted state. To prevent blocking, -1 can be used as the timeout value, meaning the machine will be 'powered on' but the command will not wait to check that it boots successfully.

The timeout value can be overridden with --wait N from the command line. For example, to disable waiting you could run koble machine start m1 --wait -1.


 memory: 128
This feature is not available yet

The machine section allows default machine values to be given.

memory is how much RAM is assigned to the machine.